Monday, August 22, 2011

Week of Aug. 22nd

Wow...where has time gone.  Since the last posting we have had Carver Quinn come into our lives and we have moved from Kansas to Nebraska.  For now, I hope I can keep up with the menus.  Most ideas are coming from our local grocery store, Hy-Vee.

Instead of planning out each day here is what is 'planned' for the week:

Grilled chicken breast with side salad and cherries

Pork loin with Peanut Butter Apple Salad and edamame

Lean chuck roast with red potatoes and watermelon

Turkey/Cheese Lettuce Wraps with brown rice and peaches

Salsa Fish and Chips with edamame and cherries and/or grapes

Beef Tacos with side salad and grapes

BBQ Pork Kababs with side salad and fruit

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